Monday, February 23, 2009

What a Monday...

1. We're back from New Orleans. Our 36 hour pit stop was everything I hoped/needed it to be... and then some.

2. The "and then some" isn't so great. One of Layne's knees is 1.5x larger than the other right now. A guy bumped into him, and Layne went flying down the stairs.

3. Getting through the work day today isn't going to be a problem. Getting everything done I need to might be though.

4. Since I'm playing the role of Florence Nightingale, I can't be Emeril too. Pei Wei for dinner. Easy decision.

5. I hope Layne survives the day at home. He decided not to go into work, which is a good thing since driving could be difficult. I can imagine the phone call now... "Honey, I've fallen and can't get up."

... Good thing the office is only minutes from the house.

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