Monday, August 24, 2009

In the last week...

In the last week...

1.) I have lost my job.

2.) Our home computer was fried, and we were using my work computer as needed. Therefore, we had no computer.

3.) Our Internet was disconnected.

4.) My cell phone contacts were wiped clean.

I had no form of communication, and was forced to live in the quasi-stone ages. It was miserable. I am now glad to say we have purchased a new laptop (at a great discount), AT&T has come to the house and hooked up our Internet as well as a house phone line, and Abby and Layne have helped me reconstruct most of my phone book. The kitchen has also been painted a lovely shade called Downing Straw (with my new found free time). More information to come about everything later...

Damn, it feels good to be able to blog again.

1 comment:

korey said...

Love you Mitz!!! And so does Kain.